Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Outline/Essay thesis Essay

Outline I. Setting A) â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson: The setting of Shirley Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery† takes place June 27th on a warm, sunny day in a small town, between ten in the morning and noon, specifically in the village square between the post office and the bank. B) â€Å"The Destructors† by Graham Greene: The setting of Graham Greene’s â€Å"The Destructors† takes place in a post-war period in a London town, more specifically in a lot of an old man, Old Misery’s, home. II. Irony A) â€Å"The Lottery†: In this short story, the town’s inhabitants are gathered in the town square for the lottery drawing. The word â€Å"Lottery† may have the reader thinking that there is to be some type of prize to be collected for one person out of the many townspeople. Yet, the lottery depicted in this short story is more horrifying. Each person is required to pick a slip of paper from an old black box, and if a person receives a slip of paper that has a bold black dot on it, they are closed in on and stoned to death. B) â€Å"The Destructors†: In this short story, one area involving irony may be between the characters Blackie and Trevor. Blackie is the original leader of the boys’ small gang. He controls what is done and how it is executed. Trevor rarely speaks, only voting yes or no to the gang’s plans, up until he mentions the plan to destroy Old Misery’s home. Also, Trevor is the son of an architect. Old Misery’s house was built by a famous architect, so it is ironic that he’d want to destroy the home. III. Symbols A) â€Å"The Lottery†: One symbol found in this short story is the black box from which the slips of paper are pulled. The box itself is black, possibly representing the oncoming death of the one who pulls the slip of paper with the black dot on it. The box was said to be worn down, meaning it had been used for many years now; A tradition that the people in the town were not willing to break. B) â€Å"The Destructors†: Old Misery’s home is settled in a  poverty and post-war stricken neighborhood, yet through the destruction stood his house, built by the famous architect Christopher Wren. Trevor knew who Wren was because the architect works with upper class people, being that he used to be one of them before the war took place. Thesis The short stories â€Å"The Lottery† by Shirley Jackson and â€Å"The Destructors† by Graham Greene hold as many similarities as well as differences, starting with each story’s settings. In â€Å"The Lottery†, the setting is a small town of no more than 300 people. It is a warm and sunny day, and the townspeople, both old and young. Have gathered in the village square to take part in this town tradition. In â€Å"The Destructors†, the setting is in a poverty and post-war stricken neighborhood, in the lot of Old Misery’s home, where the gang of young boys gathered every day. Around the neighborhood, as well as the town, lie ruins of homes and other buildings. Other aspects that stood out in these two short stories were the use of irony. In â€Å"The Lottery†, one would expect the word â€Å"Lottery† to have a good meaning, as if they had won something beneficial. Yet, the Lottery turned out to be more gruesome and inhumane than expected. In â€Å"The Destructors†, one of the most notable pieces of irony found was the switch of leadership roles between Blackie, the original gang leader, and Trevor, the quiet son of an architect. Trevor did not say much except when it came to voting on the gang’s doings, which usually required no more than a â€Å"yes† or â€Å"no†. A similarity that these two short stories had with one another were how they ended. Both stories did not end happily. Jackson’s â€Å"The Lottery† ended up with a woman being stoned to death by the entire townspeople, which included her children and her husband, as well as friends that had been made before the lottery had taken place. â€Å"The Destructors† ended with the gang successfully destroying Old Misery’s home after working diligently and skillfully to tear the house down from the inside.

Characters in George Orwells novel “Animal Farm” Essay

The book animal farm, written by George Orwell, is believed to tell the story of not just a story about some rebellious animals, but represents how the Russian revolution took place. Many believe this because of the way he portrays certain characters in the novel. Such as snowball being represented as Leon Trotsky, old major being represented as , and the ruthless leader of the farm napoleon representing the leader of the U.S.S.R. Josef starlin. After the rebellion of manor farm, napoleon declared himself the ruler or the animals and the estate. He also renamed the property Animal farm, showing that the animals where no longer to be kept as slaves by humans running the farm, but instead to be at the same social level as all the other animals. This is similar to when starlin took leadership or Russia after the tsar was expelled from his country by the people. Starlin then renamed Russia the U.S.S.R. Napoleon is orwells villain in animal farm and represents Joseph starlin during the Russian revolution. Napoleon and starlin both attempt to run a socialist empire but soon finds that their human nature overwhelms them into taking advantage of their position. Napoleon seems to be a good leader at first, but becomes greedy and power hungry. Starlin also became greedy and power hungry in Russia, making the idea of socialism in Russia behind. What is meant by this is whilst the peasants were suffering and living in poverty, starlin was living in luxury. When the industrialization of Russia happened, like on animal farm with the windmill, both napoleon and starlin didn’t want it to happen at first. Like when snowball wanted the idea to happen before napoleon and he declined, and when Leon Trotsky wanted it to happen when starlin didn’t. Eventually napoleon decided to have electricity to the farm by building a windmill to power the electricity and create a better image for the farm as well as improving productivity. This is like when starlin introduced the five year plan. Starlin did industrialize his country, and boost his international  status, but his countries living conditions where no better off. The true character of napoleon is shown when he has the animals plotting against him executed, and when he hires a pig to sample his food to make sure that he isn’t being poisoned. Starlin also was a ruthless leader in Russia. After suspecting many people in his congress supporters of Trotsky, starlin also had these people executed.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Dirty Job Chapter 10

PART TWO SECONDHAND SOULS Do not seek death. Death will find you. But seek the road which makes death a fulfillment. – Dag Hammarskjà ¶ld 10 DEATH TAKES A WALK Mornings, Charlie walked. At six, after an early breakfast, he would turn the care of Sophie over to Mrs. Korjev or Mrs. Ling (whoever's turn it was) for the workday and walk – stroll really, pacing out the city with the sword-cane, which had become part of his daily regalia, wearing soft, black-leather walking shoes and an expensive, secondhand suit that had been retailored at his cleaner's in Chinatown. Although he pretended to have a purpose, Charlie walked to give himself time to think, to try on the size of being Death, and to look at all the people out and about in the morning. He wondered if the girl at the flower stand, from whom he often bought a carnation for his lapel, had a soul, or would give hers up while he watched her die. He watched the guy in North Beach make cappuccinos with faces and fern leaves drawn in the foam, and wondered if a guy like that could actually function without a soul, or was his soul collecting dust in Charlie's back room? There were a lot of people to see, and a lot of thinking to be done. Being out among the people of the city, when they were just starting to move, greeting the day, making ready, he started to feel not just the responsibility of his new role, but the power, and finally, the specialness. It didn't matter that he had no idea what he was doing, or that he might have lost the love of his life for it to happen; he had been chosen. And realizing that, one day as he walked down California Street, down Nob Hill into the financial district, where he'd always felt inferior and out of touch with the world, as the brokers and bankers quickstepped around him, barking into their cell phones to Hong Kong or London or New York and never making eye contact, he started to not so much stroll, as strut. That day Charlie Asher climbed onto the California Street cable car for the first time since he was a kid, and hung off the bar, out over the street, holding out the sword-cane as if charging, with Hondas and Mercedes zooming along the street beside him, passing under his armpit just inches away. He got off at the end of the line, bought a Wall Street Journal from a machine, then walked to the nearest storm drain, spread out the Journal to protect his trousers against oil stains, then got down on his hands and knees and screamed into the drain grate, â€Å"I have been chosen, so don't fuck with me!† When he stood up again, a dozen people were standing there, waiting for the light to change. Looking at him. â€Å"Had to be done,† Charlie said, not apologizing, just explaining. The bankers and the brokers, the executive assistants and the human-resource people and the woman on her way to serve up clam chowder in a sourdough bowl at the Boudin Bakery, all nodded, not sure exactly why, except that they worked in the financial district, and they all understood being fucked with, and in their souls if not in their minds, they knew that Charlie had been yelling in the right direction. He folded his paper, tucked it under his arm, then turned and crossed the street with them when the light changed. Sometimes Charlie walked whole blocks when he thought only of Rachel, and would become so engrossed in the memory of her eyes, her smile, her touch, that he ran straight into people. Other times people would bump into him, and not even lift his wallet or say â€Å"excuse me,† which might be a matter of course in New York, but in San Francisco meant that he was close to a soul vessel that needed to be retrieved. He found one, a bronze fireplace poker, set out by the curb with the trash on Russian Hill. Another time, he spotted a glowing vase displayed in the bay window of a Victorian in North Beach. He screwed up his courage and knocked on the door, and when a young woman answered, and came out on the porch to look for her visitor, and was bewildered because she didn't see anyone there, Charlie slipped past her, grabbed the vase, and was out the side door before she came back in, his heart pounding like a war drum, adrenaline sizzling through his veins like a hormonal tilt-a-wh irl. As he headed back to the shop that particular morning, he realized, with no little sense of irony, that until he became Death, he'd never felt so alive. Every morning, Charlie tried to walk in a different direction. On Mondays he liked to go up into Chinatown just after dawn, when all the deliveries were being made – crates of produce, carrots, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, melons, and a dozen varieties of cabbage, tended by Latinos in the Central Valley and consumed by Chinese in Chinatown, having passed through Anglo hands just long enough to extract the nourishing money. On Mondays the fishing companies delivered their fresh catches – usually strong Italian men whose families had been in the business for five generations, handing off their catch to inscrutable Chinese merchants whose ancestors had bought fish from the Italians off horse-drawn wagons a hundred years before. All sorts of live and recently live fish were moved across the sidewalk: snapper and halibut and mackerel, sea bass and ling cod and yellowtail, clawless Pacific lobster, Dungeness crab, ghastly monkfish, with their long saberlike teeth and a sin gle spine that jutted from their head, bracing a luminous lure they used to draw in prey, so deep in the ocean that the sun never shone. Charlie was fascinated by the creatures from the very deep sea, the big-eyed squid, cuttlefish, the blind sharks that located prey with electromagnetic impulses – creatures who never saw light. They made him think of what might be facing him from the Underworld, because even as he fell into a rhythm of finding names at his bedside, and soul vessels in all manner of places, and the appearance of the ravens and the shades subsided, he could feel them under the street whenever he passed a storm sewer. Sometimes he could hear them whispering to one another, hushing quickly in the rare moments when the street went quiet. To walk through Chinatown at dawn was to become part of a dangerous dance, because there were no back doors or alleys for loading, and all the wares went across the sidewalk, and although Charlie had enjoyed neither danger nor dancing up till now, he enjoyed playing dance partner to the thousand tiny Chinese grandmothers in black slippers or jelly-colored plastic shoes who scampered from merchant to merchant, squeezing and smelling and thumping, looking for the freshest and the best for their families, twanging orders and questions to the merchants in Mandarin, all the while just a second or a slip away from being run over by sides of beef, great racks of fresh duck, or hand trucks stacked high with crates of live turtles. Charlie was yet to retrieve a soul vessel on one of his Chinatown walks, but he stayed ready, because the swirl of time and motion forecast that one foggy morning someone's granny was going to get knocked out of her moo shoes. One Monday, just for sport, Charlie grabbed an eggplant that a spectacularly wizened granny was going for, but instead of twisting it out of his hand with some mystic kung fu move as he expected, she looked him in the eye and shook her head – just a jog, barely perceptible really – it might have been a tic, but it was the most eloquent of gestures. Charlie read it as saying: O White Devil, you do not want to purloin that purple fruit, for I have four thousand years of ancestors and civilization on you; my grandparents built the railroads and dug the silver mines, and my parents survived the earthquake, the fire, and a society that outlawed even being Chinese; I am mother to a dozen, grandmother to a hundred, and great-grandmother to a legion; I have birthed babies and washed the dead; I am history and suffering and wisdom; I am a Buddha and a dragon; so get your fucking hand off my eggplant before you lose it. And Charlie let go. And she grinned, just a little. Three teeth. And he wondered if it ever did fall to him to retrieve the soul vessel of one of these crones of Chronos, if he'd even be able to lift it. And he grinned back. And asked for her phone number, which he gave to Ray. â€Å"She seemed nice,† Charlie told him. â€Å"Mature.† Sometimes Charlie's walks took him through Japantown, where he passed the most enigmatic shop in the city, Invisible Shoe Repair. He really intended to stop in one day, but he was still coming to terms with giant ravens, adversaries from the Underworld, and being a Merchant of Death, and he wasn't sure he was ready for invisible shoes, let alone invisible shoes that needed repair! He often tried to look past the Japanese characters into the shop window as he passed, but saw nothing, which, of course, didn't mean a thing. He just wasn't ready. But there was a pet shop in Japantown (House of Pleasant Fish and Gerbil), where he had originally gone to buy Sophie's fish, and where he returned to replace the TV attorneys with six TV detectives, who also simultaneously took the big Ambien a week later. Charlie had been distraught to find his baby daughter drooling away in front of a bowl floating more dead detectives than a film noir festival, and after flushing all six at once and having t o use the plunger to dislodge Magnum and Mannix, he vowed that next time he would find more resilient pals for his little girl. He was coming out of House of PF&G one afternoon, with a Habitrail pod containing a pair of sturdy hamsters, when he ran into Lily, who was making her way to a coffeehouse up on Van Ness, where she was planning to meet her friend Abby for some latte-fueled speed brooding. â€Å"Hey, Lily, how are you doing?† Charlie was trying to appear matter-of-fact, but he found that the awkwardness between him and Lily over the last few months was not mitigated by her seeing him on the street carrying a plastic box full of rodents. â€Å"Nice gerbils,† Lily said. She wore a Catholic schoolgirl's plaid skirt over black tights and Doc Martens, with a tight black PVC bustier that was squishing pale Lily-bits out the top, like a can of biscuit dough that's been smacked on the edge of the counter. The hair color du jour was fuchsia, over violet eye shadow, which matched her violet, elbow-length lace gloves. She looked up and down the street and, when she didn't see anyone she knew, fell into step next to Charlie. â€Å"They're not gerbils, they're hamsters,† Charlie said. â€Å"Asher, do you have something you've been keeping from me?† She tilted her head a little, but didn't look at him when she asked, just kept her eyes forward, scanning the street for someone who might recognize her walking next to Charlie, thus forcing her to commit seppuku. â€Å"Jeez, Lily, these are for Sophie!† Charlie said. â€Å"Her fish died, so I'm bringing her some new pets. Besides, that whole gerbil thing is an urban myth – â€Å" â€Å"I meant that you're Death,† Lily said. Charlie nearly dropped his hamsters. â€Å"Huh?† â€Å"It's so wrong – † Lily continued, walking on after Charlie had stopped in his tracks, so now he had to scurry to catch up to her. â€Å"Just so wrong, that you would be chosen. Of all of life's many disappointments, I'd have to say that this is the crowning disappointment.† â€Å"You're sixteen,† Charlie said, still stumbling a little at the matter-of-fact way she was discussing this. â€Å"Oh, throw that in my face, Asher. I'm only sixteen for two more months, then what? In the blink of an eye my beauty becomes but a feast for worms, and I, a forgotten sigh in a sea of nothingness.† â€Å"Your birthday is in two months? Well, we'll have to get you a nice cake,† Charlie said. â€Å"Don't change the subject, Asher. I know all about you, and your Death persona.† Charlie stopped again and turned to look at her. This time, she stopped as well. â€Å"Lily, I know I've been acting a little strangely since Rachel died, and I'm sorry you got in trouble at school because of me, but it's just been trying to deal with it all, with the baby, with the business. The stress of it all has – â€Å" â€Å"I have The Great Big Book of Death,† Lily said. She steadied Charlie's hamsters when he lost his grip. â€Å"I know about the soul vessels, about the dark forces rising if you fuck up, all that stuff – all of it. I've known longer than you have, I think.† Charlie didn't know what to say. He was feeling panic and relief at the same time – panic because Lily knew, but relief because at least someone knew, and believed it, and had actually seen the book. The book! â€Å"Lily, do you still have the book?† â€Å"It's in the store. I hid it in the back of the glass cabinet where you keep the valuable stuff that no one will ever buy.† â€Å"No one ever looks in that cabinet.† â€Å"No kidding? I thought if you ever found it, I'd say it had always been there.† â€Å"I have to go.† He turned and started walking the other direction, but then realized that they had already been heading toward his neighborhood and turned around again. â€Å"Where are you going?† â€Å"To get some coffee.† â€Å"I'll walk with you.† â€Å"You will not.† Lily looked around again, wary that someone might see them. â€Å"But, Lily, I'm Death. That should at least have given me some level of cool.† â€Å"Yeah, you'd think, but it turns out that you have managed to suck the cool out of being Death.† â€Å"Wow, that's harsh.† â€Å"Welcome to my world, Asher.† â€Å"You can't tell anyone about this, you know that?† â€Å"Like anyone cares what you do with your gerbils.† â€Å"Hamsters! That's not – â€Å" â€Å"Chill, Asher.† Lily giggled. â€Å"I know what you mean. I'm not going to tell anyone – except Abby knows – but she doesn't care. She says she's met some guy who's her dark lord. She's in that stage where she thinks a dick is some kind of mystical magic wand.† Charlie adjusted his hamster box uncomfortably. â€Å"Girls go through a stage like that?† Why was he just hearing about this now? Even the hamsters looked uncomfortable. Lily turned on a heel and started up the street. â€Å"I'm not having this conversation with you.† Charlie stood there, watching her go, balancing the hamsters and his completely useless sword-cane while trying to dig his cell phone out of his jacket pocket. He needed to see that book, and he needed to see it sooner than the hour it would take him to get home. â€Å"Lily, wait!† he called. â€Å"I'm calling a cab, I'll give you a ride.† She waved him off without looking and kept walking. As he was waiting for the cab company to answer, he heard it, the voice, and he realized that he was standing right over a storm drain. It had been over a month since he'd heard them, and he thought maybe they'd gone. â€Å"We'll have her, too, Meat. She's ours now.† He felt the fear rise in his throat like bile. He snapped the phone shut and ran after Lily, cane rattling and hamsters bouncing as he went. â€Å"Lily, wait! Wait!† She spun around quickly and her fuchsia wig only did the quarter turn instead of the half, so her face was covered with hair when she said, â€Å"One of those ice-cream cakes from Thirty-one Flavors, okay? After that, despair and nothingness.† â€Å"We'll put that on the cake,† Charlie said.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Women in Vietnam Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Women in Vietnam - Research Paper Example This reason makes historians refer to the war as a cold war. The war took place in Cambodia and involved attacks and raids on rival groups. The rival groups in this case were the Americans and the people of South Vietnam. The war had search and destroy operations that served to show the amount of power that each group had over the other. The United States had its theory on the war as it saw it as a way of preventing the spread of communism to the west, as it preferred using the capitalism policy. The war thus had an important figure to the fighters as each tried supporting their policies. In the war, there were women that served to assist the actual fighters who were mostly men (Gunusky 37). Women were very influential in the development of the war. This is because they were there to offer their support which if lacking, the fighters on each side could not have fought as effectively as they did. The women were the soldier’s wives, sisters and even mothers taken up by the milit ary at that time to act as soldiers of war. They got training for all the missions that were to take place and thus were very skilled out in the field. The women had different roles in the war. There were those who were very talented in the field and had the rare opportunity to serve in the war as actual soldiers along their male counterparts. The women showed unending efforts and desire to help their sides win. For the women that were not strong or rather skilled enough to go out to the field and face the rivals in a live manner, they were delegated different aspects of work according to their intrinsic skills. One of the most identified roles that the women were given was the work of clinical attendants or rather they were given the job description of nurses (Tunner 76). The nurses had the strict and strenuous jobs of assisting wounded soldiers at the time when attacks took place. According to the communities that lived in the Vietnam region, they believed the work of nursing to b e a talent that runs in the family and hence most of the nurses that were taken in had to carry along other family members to assist in their works. Since the nurses were to take their activities to places where the war was directly taking place, they had to training on basic weaponry use in case of attack. Some of the nurses did not completely finish their nursing as they were taken in to a 10-day training camp at Ft. Sam Houston (Caylor 65). With this training, they could be part-time nurses but could also work the grounds in case there was a short of army officers to carry out an ambush due to factors such as death or general incapability. Before the war had become serious, the nurses were given a bulk of injured patients and instructed to cure them within a given time span. This was influential, as it would help them prepare both psychologically and physically for the type of work that they would be doing in the fields. When the war would get harder and the enemy groups getting close, there would be many casualties and thus the need of competence on the side of the nurses to help cure soldiers fast. Upon healing, the soldiers were required back on the field to continue with the war so as not to lender their side shorthanded due to lack of soldiers. The nurses also had basic training of how to use a compass and a radio alert. This was important because not every time could the soldiers manage to bring back the wounded soldiers to the camp base. With the compass and the radio, the soldiers in the field could make radio alerts to the nurses. The radios had different signals through which they had an open line of communication. They would ask for assistance and give the required directives and bearings (Neel 37). The women on the other hand with the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Paul Garrett Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Paul Garrett - Essay Example and the economic devastation caused by the world wars set the industrial giants thinking and they felt the necessity to prove to the consumers that their existence is no threat to democracy and the American dreams. â€Å"In 1923, General Motors, although eager to have its employees ‘look upon our organization as a human rather than a corporate institution,’ had to recognize that it is one of the limitations of a large organization that the men charged with guiding its destiny cannot maintain a direct personal contact with all of its employees.†(Marchand, p.8) Industrial magnets began to ponder as to how to rejuvenate the plights of their soulless corporations. The top ones strongly felt that something was lacking somewhere. There was no bridge between the top management and the employees on the one hand and the consumers on the other, and if there was one, it had big gaps and lacked continuity. â€Å"Reports of an apparent dwindling of employee morale, sometimes voiced by corporate leaders themselves, revealed lack of individual vitality within these large-scale operations, an absence of a recognized, animating people.†(Marchand, p.8) â€Å"PAUL GARRETT in 1931 became the first person to direct public relations at General Motors. During his 25 years at GM, he emphasized quality performance, public interest, and honesty as corporate public relations principles. His effectiveness inspired other corporations to establish public relations departments.† (Public†¦.)The process of soul search in the organizations began. Perhaps, Paul Garrett was born for the cause of public relations. He was quick to act and soon realized the tremendous potential of this exercise in the cause of the betterment of the organization on all fronts. â€Å"By the end of 1931, Garnett reported, the company was receiving more than five thousand letters of appreciation a week. He distributed multiple anthologies of â€Å"typical excerpt† from these letters to a long list of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Strategic Planning for South County Hospital in making it a ACO Term Paper

Strategic Planning for South County Hospital in making it a ACO - Term Paper Example Low profitability of the hospital has placed it at the bottom of the reimbursement. South Rhode hospital intends to solve this situation by joining a heath service provider system such as Care New England. This would make it an Accountable Care Organization benefiting from the merger with other hospital. This would assist the hospital toward continuity of their mission and achieving their vision (Cleverley 288). The merger with other hospitals would help South Rhodes hospital to acquire better bargaining power in procuring services and other requirements. It would also enable SCH to refer some of the severe case to other hospitals within the system. Section One Strategic focus Aim of the plan This plans to improve the financial position of the sc hospital, increase net income and overall profitability. This will lead to sustainable improvement in financial performance and continued growth in cash flow by improving debt ratios; continued growth in inpatient and surgical volumes; continued gains in liquidity Mission statement; Enriching the quality of life for the southern Rhode Island community and visitors through delivery of quality affordable health care services Developing cooperative relationship with other care providers and promotion of wellness through health education and community involvement Vision statement: To achieve a healthy southern Rhode Island community through provision of quality and affordable health services to all our clients To have a community that is informed on health care services, their rights and responsibilities by creation of health care awareness. Long term objectives The south Rhodes hospital through this strategic plan aims at achieving the following objectives: Improve the reimbursement position for the hospital Increase affordability of services to clients Increase treatment opportunities to clients through merger with other hospital Diversify means for paying for the services give hence increase profitability Key orga nizational competences In order to achieve the above set objectives the hospital management needs to have a competent financial management team that will look into the financial crisis in the hospital. Vigorous marketing campaign shall be necessary to market the new hospital policies and improvement on service delivery, the marketing department should be set out to perform this role. The marketing campaign will also be essential in marketing the services of the hospital as this created consumer awareness. Consumer awareness attracts customers into the organization which then will lead to increase customer turnover and sales or revenues. Organizational values The south county hospital holds the following values in their operations toward achieving the strategic plan goals: humility, honesty, diligence and accountability. Performance objectives The performance objectives below will form the basis of determining the hospital’s performance score. This will be a tool to measure pr ogress towards the achievement of the objectives set in the strategic plan. Performance area Performance Measures Target Time Frame Financial management Biannual income figures and profit calculations Increase in income position and profitability Achieve a 5% increase in the profits 1 year Client and market progress Client turn up record and analysis of trends: repeated subsequent visits by clients

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Film named The Official Story is about Terror in Argentina in the Essay

The Film named The Official Story is about Terror in Argentina in the 1980s - Essay Example The movie begins in a set up of a family. The wife (Alicia) being a History teacher and the husband a wealthy businessman. The family had adopted a young girl named Analia Castro (Gaby) (Roger Ebert, 1985). A time comes that Alicia starts thinking of Gaby’s real parents. She had been frequently warned about it by her husband. The husband was fully aware of the whole story of adoption but was ignorant about it. Alicia starts a research after a friend returns from exile. She ends up knowing the grandmother to Gaby; Chela Ruiz (Sara). The grandmother explains the history of the child and how the parents disappeared. The plot of the movie suggests that Sara may not be the real grandmother and the real parents may be unknown. The movie ends with a family conflict because Alicia insists on tracing the parents of the girl (Roger Ebert, 1985). The film won many awards despite it being directed by a young director aged 39. This was the first move directed by Luis Puenzo. Reports from analysts’ state that the movie has a good flow and plot as well. The name of the movie has some criticism too. The name is Official Story, yet it has many painful narrations (Roger Ebert, 1985). Terror is the main theme in the movie. Massive killings took place as a result of political differences and this caused massive killings and suffering. Many were rendered orphans, Gaby being an ideal example. It also led to family conflicts such as what we see in the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business-to-Business E-Business Technology Research Paper

Business-to-Business E-Business Technology - Research Paper Example The Business-to-Business E-Business Technology concept emerged owing to the growing use of internet technology in the business sphere. With the enhanced use of internet technology, business corporations can effectively interact with each other both in an intrinsic and extrinsic manner. Intrinsically the business corporations can better relate the head office functions with the several branches spread along different regions and also to the warehouses. The business corporations with the use of internet medium can modify the business functions related to purchases and sales in a much faster and efficient fashion. Business-to-Business technological interface helps the business corporations gain a huge number of advantages which can be enumerated as follows. Management of the inventory and sales functions is better managed by business houses through the expanded use of internet technology. The business corporations through the use of the internet medium can effectively track changes in t he external market and thereby modify the products and services rendered. Through enhanced satisfaction of consumer demand, the business houses can generate more amount of profit and also augment on the market share. Moreover, with the enhanced use of internet technology in the business medium the business corporations can effectively minimize the cost of business operations thereby enhancing the productivity aspects. Different companies pertaining to manufacturing and other information technology companies have gained largely owing to the expanded use of internet technology in the business to a business sphere (Haag, 2005,p.139-410). An enhanced understanding of the Business-To-Business Electronic Commerce technology shows that the above technology can be used in different forms by the business corporations while performing business activities.

Student performance objectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Student performance objectives - Essay Example Fortunately, I worked so hard to meet this objective. In a nutshell, deductive reasoning is the logical argument that begins from a general point to some specific before making a conclusion. Contrarily, inductive is that which starts from a definite/particular and expands to include other elements of the same nature before making an inclusive conclusion. To make this practical and real, I reviewed several research papers that could provide me with clear, logical arguments. I discovered that research is either deductively or inductively developed. The essence of generalizability makes the research work demonstrate great inductive reasoning. For instance, scientists having performed tests one sample conclude that the whole population from which the sample was obtained bears the same characteristics. I grasped this topic extensively having reviewed several written pieces of literature (Singmann and Klauer, 248-249). Consequently, fallacies and language propaganda are everyday misuses of language. People engage in several cases where they inaccurately generalize other people stereotypically either to serve their self-interest or based on inaccurate information they acquired. A fallacy like ‘all men are the same’ is one of the common language propaganda that should be demystified. Of course all men cannot be the same; men vary in different aspects such as height, complexion, attitude, personality among others. This objective was met by engaging in social interactions to identify some of the common fallacies people make in everyday life and indeed, several were noticed. I was expected to be in a position to utilize the codes of logics that demand an inference should be well supported by both valid and sound propositions to make the validate the argument. This is one thing I did achieve after exploring numerous books and journals especially those

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Nature, Nurture and Personality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nature, Nurture and Personality - Essay Example I believe that it is this base personality that is genetically determined and is the most important factor in determining the true nature of personality. While there remains a number of external factors that contribute to the development and change of an individual’s personality, my personal understanding is that ultimately personality is most closely linked to these genetic factors that are affected upon in a variety of ways by external cultural and environmental factors. Personality is related to culture in a number of prominent ways. Indeed, this question can be considered on a micro and macro level. On a micro level, immediate social relations affect personality as individuals must tailor their personality and demeanor to fit into a variety of social situations. While this is not directly considered an element of culture, it is culture that determines the social structures in which human beings interact. As culture is a learned phenomenon and has evolved over the centuries there are many such elements that influence personality. It’s important in these regards to consider what constitutes personality. While the outward expression of an individual’s actions has become the accepted definition of personality, can one more accurately identify personality as an entity that is more highly personal? In terms of the first definition, culture greatly determines how a person acts in nearly all situations. In this understanding, personality is also an evolving thing that is directly connected to the evolution of culture. As social mores and appropriateness change with the progression of time, or even with the change of one’s culture surroundings (poor New Orleans vs the Hamptons, for instance) personality continues to be strongly linked to culture. While psychoanalytic thinkers believed that personality was greatly affected by early childhood events that become rooted in unconscious desires and impulses (some of which can be

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Crucial role of women in Death of a Salesman by Artur Miller Research Paper

Crucial role of women in Death of a Salesman by Artur Miller - Research Paper Example Contrary to other women characters who live for money and personal benefits, Linda is a boss to her family. Linda takes the part of an instructor who guides the entire family with timely intervention. Even though the sons refuse to obey their father, they support their mother and recognize that she is an important part of their future and to the end of their lives. Linda is a devoted and conservative wife. She exudes love and sympathizes with her husband. The play opens with Willy cancelling his business trip abruptly and returns home in a noticeably tense state. Instead of questioning him, Linda calmly asks him what led to his return and offers him a sandwich and cheese from the refrigerator and goes back to bed without worrying about anything (Miller, 11). She knows that the cause of his malady is deep rooted and that he is facing serious issues. Instead of dwelling on his mental derangement and a state of worsening health, she goes on to speculate on the vehicle’s condition by informing her husband that maybe the mechanic had not mend the steering wheel or that Willy ought to change his spectacles to assist him in seeing the road clearly. She advises her husband to request his employer to retain him at the local office, that he was better off in New York rather than in New England as he cannot pain of long distance travelling at his age. Linda is loved by Willy. The moments when Willy reveals his devotion to his wife are persuasive in the play. Even though Willy turns away from the right norms, is lying and full of delusion, Linda never leaves his side and never punishes him for his sins. A self-sacrificing character due to remarkable forgiveness, Linda strengthens the bond between the family members. She is aware of her husbands’ misgivings: that he is secretly borrowing cash from the neighbor Charley so as to manage bills, knows that Willy could possibly be having an affair, is aware of the rubber hose that is hidden behind the heater but she puts all these aside. She wants to protect her husband from himself and from the rest of the world. This is because her husband has attempted to take his own life several times before. She is afraid that he may try to asphyxiate himself with the rubber hose. When Willy realizes this, he also strengthens his love for her and reaffirms his need for her in his life. Willy says â€Å"You’re the best there is, Linda, you’re a pal, and you know that on the road I would want to grab you sometimes and just kiss the life out of you† (Miller 37-38). Linda is kind to her sons. She speaks in defense of Biff to her husband when she says that â€Å"†¦it is natural for young people to seek company outside home†. Parents should gladly let off their mature sons and not to try to possess them. She says that it requires a considerable amount of time for a young man to settle down. Biff is moved by her kindness. He often calls her ‘pal’. Happy on the other hand looks at her as an ideal woman. He says that he is looking for a woman of his mother’s character and ‘resistance’ to marry. Happy appears to be searching for a mother –figure or surrogate mother (Miller 37-38). Linda does not hesitate to admonish her sons when they misbehave. She frankly tells Biff that he should not be like a bird coming to the garden in spring and deserting it in winter. She stresses the need for Biff to support his father in his old age. She emphasizes that he should either respect his father or stay away from home

Monday, July 22, 2019

The novel of life in rural Mississippi in the 1930 Essay Example for Free

The novel of life in rural Mississippi in the 1930 Essay She had been making her own stories out of it. The subject was slavery and a racist, white man published the history book that she was given and she thought the book was wrong. She had eventually got fired due to T. J getting revenge on her for accusing him of cheating. Mr Granger was a man who leased out sharecropping land to the black community and took almost all of their money after the harvest. On top of that, the Logans had financial problems and mortgage problems. People had to face the consequences without hardly any money. Black people had to pay their mortgage at the bank but the white people employed at the bank just caused more trouble. This novel examines many issues for example: courage, bravery, prejudice, the power to succeed and the strength to survive. Black people have known that courage comes only to those who earn it. Friendship is an important part of life. You need people to look you up to, someone on your side so you can be brave and someone you can depend on for giving you advice if youre in trouble. You will hardly ever see any black people and white people, as thats the way life was. Jeremy was a good friend of the Logans. Jeremy Likes T. J and the Logans Tree House and their generosity and friendship. Some white people would be scared of some blacks. I know this because of when Kaleb Wallace gazed up at Mr Morrison, then at the truck as if trying to comprehend the connection between the two. The major conflict in this story is when two white children beat up T. J and accuse him of robbing a store. The two children were the actual robbers with stockings over their faces. Then the white children go to T. Js house and tried to hang and burn his whole family. The Logans try to stop this by setting fire to their own cotton field so everyone will stop to put the fire out before it reached their own. Luckily, the lightening had struck the cotton field. This was the turning point in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Everyone stopped what they were doing just to put out the fire, including the whit people. They all worked as one without hate or dislike. This would also be considered the resolution because the prejudice is gone for a moment. The falling action is when the fire is out and everyone goes home. Mama had explained that we have no choice of what colour were born or who our parents are what we do have is some choice over what we make of our lives once were here. Something more important in our life is education. There were two separate schools that separated the black children with the whites. Children used to travel by bus, car or just walk. Either way, there could be disaster waiting to happen whilst on the journey. Uncle Hammer gave warnings about these situations all the time. He thought that things seemed worse than usual up there. It gets hot like this and folks get dissatisfied with life, they start looking round for somebody to take it out on. So everyone should be careful and to always be aware of danger. As I read Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, I have noticed the particular language that the people use. They use local dialect for when they talk. The local dialect in Mississippi often involves shortening words and blurring words together as well as creating new words, for example: mopin round, cuttin up, bout, farmin, yall. The apostrophes show where letters have been dropped when words are shortened. When T. J talks about friendship in several local dialect speeches. He once said to Stacey, I swear everything I told yall is the truth. I I admit I lied bout tellin on your mama, but I aint lyin now, I aint. People used to talk like this because it was shorter and easier for them to say it. There are several themes in Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. One of them could be described as when someone feels that is bad, he can still have the pride of his family and friends. Courage comes only to those who earn it could be another theme. The last theme involves the difficult situation life presents and a need to stand tall. This book, I think, was well written to let people see things through a childs eye and experience their innocence and disbelief in the cruelties of life brought in by racism and prejudice. The lesson I learned in reading Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is that when people are found to be tough, they can be; especially a child. Sometimes they come out stronger than the adult in one of lifes crisis. There has been a lot of trouble in this book and people like Mama always sense trouble. She says your lucky no worse happened and were glad to have you here especially now. When Cassie had racial situations approach her, she likes to get vengeance and after she had achieved her goal, she tells herself, oh, how sweet was well-manoeuvred revenge. Now you know that if you have an ounce of hope inside you, youll have the power to succeed and all live as one. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mildred Taylor section.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Modern Methods Used In Sheet Metal Forming Mechanics Essay

Modern Methods Used In Sheet Metal Forming Mechanics Essay This report elaborates the recent advancements in the process of Sheet-Metal forming in automotive industry since this technique is considered as one of the most important issues in the current industry. Further more in this report brief description is explained on the most modern forming methods like Electro-magnetic forming, Super Plastic forming and Fine Blanking. Based on the understanding and analysis of each forming processes, the best one is suggested. II. Introduction: In the world of automotive industry a lot of metals have to be used to make the parts of an automobile. The metals found are of very rigid shapes and sizes and it cannot be directly used, to make the required sizes and shapes in the automotive industry the main metal working process used is the sheet-metal forming process. The sheet metal forming process is a process in which solid metals can be made into thin or flat pieces, and sheet-metal forming is one of the very fundamental methods in manufacturing. It can be defined as, a manufacturing process which fabricates by shaping or moulding a piece of metal into a sheet.Sheet-metal forming has a number of processes in the present world but a lot of modern processes are being preferred to the classical processes. Usually, fabrication of complicated sheet metal components requires a complex combination of various shaping processes and the final assembly involves welding, riveting and other binding methods. Henceforth a very much afforda ble solution for sheet metal forming is by applying efficient and modern processes like Electro-Magnetic forming, Super-plastic Forming, Fine blanking, Explosive forming, Hydro-forming, Electro-Hydraulic forming, etc.In this report the most modern processes of sheet metal forming are discussed and III. Main Body: 1. Electro-magnetic Forming: Electromagnetic Forming is one of the advanced methods of sheet-metal processes. It is basically called as EMF in short form. Electromagnetic forming has been in use for nearly three decades. The principle of this process is that it makes use of the electromagnetic forces to make a sheet or a part by using high speed velocity forming techniques. Electromagnetic forming works in a way, in which, a current is produced from a capacitor and it is made to pass through a coil to form a strong magnetic field around the coil. The coil is situated in the work piece, thus forming an induced eddy current around the coil the eddy current generates another magnetic field in the metal work piece (El-Azab et al. (2003)). The two magnetic fields have repulsive force with each other and cause a deformation to the work piece. This deformation is permanent due to the stress created on the work piece by the force and this is called as Electromagnetic Forming. So EMF makes the material to stretch at very high speeds. 1.1 Advantages of EMF: EMF has many advantages, they are listed below, It has very high property of repeatability because of the energy output which can be adjusted as many number of times. There is no such contact between any tools to the work piece due to the magnetic fields. EMF does not need any lubricant because there is no tool acting on the whole process and hence leaving no marks created by the tool on the work piece. EMF is basically called as a non-contact process thus it does not have any damage on the work piece. Due to no physical contact extra bits and pieces will not fall out and will thus have less cleaning to do with the sheet. By doing this process the work piece will get a good coating. There is very less time consumption in this process. There will be no friction or physical stress on the work piece as no mechanical forming methods is used. 1.2 Limitations: This process can only make thin sheets because only a less amount of pressure is applied by the coils. The work piece material will have a very short time to stretch as the whole EMF is process occurs in a very short time. 1.3 In Automotive Industry: Aluminium is the main material used to make parts for the automotive industry. There is a great demand for fuel-efficiency in present world and the weight of the automobile is another basic factor. The only possible ways of weight-reduction is by making a controlled design or by using lightweight materials. Aluminium is the best considered material as it satisfies the regarding properties, by using aluminium die-cast materials can be used to make highly complex materials form a single piece, thus it helps in attaching fewer parts more rigidly and hence a rigid body can be created by using Aluminium die-cast materials (Davies et al. (2004)). When taking aluminium in to consideration with its characteristics, increase in rigidity and passenger protection can be achieved without considering the lightness. 1.4 Uses of EMF in Automotive Industry: It is a non-contact process and no touching of the part is needed because the only effect affecting the part is the magnetic field and thus the automotive parts are made damage free. The ductility is very high. Anyone operating the machinery does not need any special training due to the process being noncontact. If there is a comparison between this method and another method, the main benefit for the EMF will be the repeatability. Due the method being a non-contact process and electrical, there is wear and tear of the part even though many numbers of parts is made which can look exactly the same to each other. 1.5 Limitation of EMF in Automotive Industry: This method being electrical, if the materials used have less electrical conductivity then there is no point in using this process. The aluminium part is slightly expensive and that can be one of the problems or the companies which use Electromagnetic forming. 2. Super Plastic Forming: This process is one of the modern processes used in the automotive industry. In short form it is called as SPF which means Superplastic Forming. It mainly involves the super plasticity which means the point at which the metal ruptures due to the strain produced in the process and in which the metal can stretched and made into thin sheets. Super plastic forming process is takes place at increased temperature, where the stress-flow of the sheet metal is less. At first the metal sheets which are supposed to be used is heated at the ends and then a gas pressure is implied when the whole apparatus is inside a simple shape or a complex shape to make a required shape (Davis and Hyrn (2007)). The process involves expanding of the materials but it cannot be applied for materials that do not have super plastic properties. Normally super plastic materials can elongate up to 10 times. Whereas titanium naturally posses super plastic properties and some aluminium alloys and a few stainless steel a lloys also be made to show superplastic properties. Aluminium alloys can expand about 1/4th during the forming process.It was first used widely in making parts for jets and aerospace regarded objects but as time grew automotive industry has used a lot of benefits from SPF. In general superplastic forming uses the sheet forming processes to mainly elongate the work piece by using very high temperatures and SPF can be used to materials which accept the properties of superplasticity. This process helps to make very complex geometry of parts. It is mainly used in making aircraft wings and automotive parts as the metal aluminium is used in which it are stretched by heat. The basic materials used in the SPF are the aluminium alloy which is quiet expensive. The process basically needs nearly 900 Â ° C regarding the alloy used, dueto this heatthe flow of the stress involved in the sheet material is low(Gallagher (2001)). The sheet material is placed on a SPF die in which a simple or complex geometry is present and then the tooling is given high heat and a gas pressure is implied which in turns deforms to the shape of the simple or complex cavity. There are many different types of properties of superplasticity with regards to microstructural mechanisms and deformation and the materials which undergo these types of superplasticity can be considered as a superplastic material; Micrograinsuperplasticity Transformation superplasticity Internal stress superplasticity The following processes can be used for forming superplastic sheet materials and they are: Blow forming and vacuum forming Thermo-forming Deep Drawing Superplastic forming with Diffusion Bonding a) Blow forming and vacuum forming basically has a die cavity in which the superplastic sheet are placed, the sheet is placed in between the cavity and a gas pressure is implied to the cavity, from which the superplastic sheet takes the shape of the die cavity. b) Thermo-forming is generally used for forming thermoplastics. In this type of forming there are two dies which in this case is male or female and they are moveable, this moveable die enables the sheet to stretch before a gas pressure is imposed on the sheet to make the required shape of the die cavity. c) Deep Drawing with heat can be imposed on superplastic materials. Firstly deep drawing depends on the hardening of strain to get the needed formability and to prevent damage while forming the material and thus has less advantage compared to Blow forming and thermo-forming. This is because superplastic materials can only harden strain to a limit. d)Superplastic forming (SPF) with the use of Diffusion bonding (DB) is a method which combines both qualities of SPF and DB, but DB is basically not a sheet metal process, since the temperatures used in the process of SPF and DB are similar they can be made use in unique fabricating methods for the materials. The aims of this combined process is to make a damage free forming process and to reduce the number of components and joints used in the processes. 2.2 Materials used: The most common materials used for superplastic forming are as follows: Titanium alloys Aluminium alloys Bismuth-tin alloys Zinc-aluminium alloys Stainless steel Aluminium-lithium alloys 2.3 Advantages of SPF: Less weight and which increases fuel efficiency Performance of the design is improved with the help by its structure Can make very complex parts which in turn has great formability Low cost tooling thus resulting in low cost of the parts Low noise and Does not affect environment 2.4 Limitations of SPF: Low strain rate The time consumption of the process in which it forms the part is one important limitations of the SPF. The whole processs cycle can vary, thus it is used on materials which has less volume. 3. Fine Blanking: Fine blanking is a process in which a type of metal stamping is used to make the flatness of metal and very precise sheared edges of a metal. It is one of the modern methods used in the automotive industry for sheet-metal forming. The process is mainly made use by the automotive industry because of the quality level and the size of the materials and tools used which in turn makes it cost effective. At firstfine blanking was first discovered in Switzerland to make small gears and levers for a watch and clock company and after that grew to be more versatile and feasible for it could be made use in the automotive industry. In this process there is no chance of fracturing of the metal while shearing, for example it can make a number of holes in a metal sheet with perfect shearing and no damage with regards to the size of the metal, thickness of the metal and how far the holes are spaced. The process can generally make very complex shapes in a quick span of time without having to do too m any procedures in the whole process. It is basically a bypass for processes like casting, forging and fabrication in manufacturing. The process is a combination of stamping, punching and an extrusion process. Fine blanking is less expensive than processes like forging or casting but fine blanking although being a very versatile sheet-metal forming process it cannot make 3-d shapes of any use, but some innovative thinking and designing can be put forth to make such products which can economically benefit fine blanking. 3.1 Working of Fine Blanking: Fine blanking generally uses the materials like aluminium, copper, brass, carbon and stainless steel alloys. Fine blanking is a way of metal pressing processes but it has got extra parts to make it unique. It includes two dies (male and female), a guide plate and a V-ring which is also called as a stinger. The male die is the hardening punch which punches the material, whereas the female die is the hardening blanking die. The stinger basically is a sharp edge that surrounds the area of the material that has to be punched. Now, there will be a pressure applied to the punching die so that it cuts the metal and it pushes the cut metal into the empty die. The guide plate helps to hold the material into place firmly so that there is no movement of the material while the pressure is applied, thus the whole process acts like an extrusion rather than a traditional punching process (Hedrick (2006)). Due to the guide plate holding the material so tightly, the materials flatness in perfect, the re is no distortion or damage and there is a very minimum amount of edge burr. Burr is actually called as rough edge of a metal after a cutting, drilling or a punching process. After the punching is done while the material is held tightly by the guide plate, the slug and minute particles are pushed away to keep it clean for the net material to start the process. With a very good fine blanking process one can make many parts in a short period of time and with only one operation. The parts manufactured can be pierced fully like a hole, or partially pierced, embossed and also coined. Many gears, levers and materials have been made by the use of fine blanking. To make a fine blanking process function exclusively to manufacture a quality product, the following points should be required: Fine Blanking Press Fine Blanking Tool Ductile Material 3.2 Advantages: Fine blanking process has got many advantages and they are: By doing fine blanking we can get tremendous flatness of material that is merely never possible to acquire by any other cutting processes, thus it does not have to undergo any other flattening processes after the basic operation of fine blanking. Fine blanking can be used to make small holes in very thick and heavy metals and it can be used on many different metals. It can be used in embossing of metals or can be made use in coining and piercing. The process has got very good accuracy in making materials with precision, control and has good repeatability in production wise. Fine blanking helps to make the edges perfectly sheared,very straight and have no breakage of edges compared to other metal cutting processes. There is very high tolerance level in the tools of fine blanking when making holes and other parts which gives very good quality to the material. Many features can be put in while fine blanking in to just one operation other than having any secondary or tertiary operations. 3.3 Limitations: Fine blanking although being a very versatile and feasible process, it has got a few limitations and they are listed below: Fine blanking can cause damage to the tools used because of the small clearance level of the whole process thus the tools are generally coated with few materials to prevent the wear and tear. In general the stinger or the V-ring consumes a lot of space therefore a lot of material is needed to be used to make a small part. In fine blanking, after the material has been cut out, burring is present in large amounts, so, often there is a need for deburring. Fine blanking process is a slow process which consumes a lot of time to make parts in comparison with the other similar processes. The equipment used is slightly expensive than more conventional punching methods. Since it is a little expensive many companies who want to use fine blanking give a lot of consideration before investing in the tools IV. Conclusion: After doing research on the modern processes used in sheet-metal forming in the automotive industry for manufacturing the latest technology which is involved in this method are Electro-magnetic forming, Superplastic Forming and Fine blanking process. These processes were more efficient and cost effective while compared to traditional processes like bending, stamping, shearing and drawing, but these processes might not be the ultimate result with regards to sheet-metal process. From the three processes discussed above the most favourable process which can be recommended in the automotive industry is Superplastic forming process. The key advantages of Superplastic forming are design structure of the material used, formability of parts, fuel efficiency and low cost in tooling in comparison with the other two processes is much better. Hopefully in the future, there may be more processes which are more efficient for the production in sheet-metal processes in the automotive industry. V. References: A. El-Azab, M. Garnich, A. Kapoor, Modeling of the electromagnetic forming of sheet metals: state-of-the-art and future needs, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 142, pp. 744-754, 2003 Accudyne Engineering Equipment Company: super plastic forming. Available at: [Accessed 12th January 2010] Gallagher, Helen (2001): Available at: [Accessed 12th January 2010]. Harig Manufacturing Corporation: fine blanking Available at: [Accessed 12th January 2010]. Hedrick, Art (2006): Available at: [Accessed 12th January 2010]. R.W.Davies, S. Golovashchenko, J.A. Carpenter, Electromagnetic Forming of Aluminum Sheet, Automotive Lightweighting Materials Fiscal Year 2004 Report, pp. 31-38, 2010

Role Of 3d Animators In Motion Capture Film Studies Essay

Role Of 3d Animators In Motion Capture Film Studies Essay In the world of upcoming technologies and innovations it has become hard for traditional techniques to withstand. Same is the case here in terms of 3d animation which is become an integral part of the film industry here for a long time and the motion capture which is upcoming and is here to stay. Motion capture being the favourite of every live action movie director is gaining attention in the film industry. In producing entire feature films with Computer animation, the industry is currently split between studios that use Motion Capture, and studios that do not. Out of the three nominees for the 2006 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, two of the nominees (Monster House and the winner Happy Feet) used Motion Capture, and only Pixars Cars was animated without Motion Capture. In the ending credits of Pixars latest film Ratatouille, a stamp appears labelling the film as 100% Pure Animation No Motion Capture! For 3D animations, objects are built on the computer monitor and 3D figures are rigged with a virtual skeleton. Then the limbs, eyes, mouth, clothes, etc.of the figure are moved by the animator on key frames. The differences in appearance between key frames are automatically calculated by the computer. To gain more control of the interpolation, a parameter curve editor is available in the majority of the 3D animation packages. The parameter curve editor shows a graphical representation of the variation of a parameters value over time (the animation curve). Altering the shape of the curve results into a change in interpolation and therefore into a change in the speed of motion. By changing the interpolation it is possible to avoid surface interpenetration (such as fingers intersecting each other) when transitioning from one hand shape to the next. The realism of keyframe animations depends largely on the animators ability to set believe keyframe (realistic hand shapes) and on his abil ity to control the interpolation between the keyframe i.e., the speed and fluidity of motion. Rendering takes place in the animation finally. History of 3D animation In the year 1824 Peter Roget presented his paper The persistence of vision with regard to moving objects to the British Society. In 1831 Dr.Joseph Antoine Plateau (a Belgian scientist) and Dr.Simon Rittrer constructed a machine called a phenakistoscope. This machine produced an illusion of the movement by allowing a viewer to gaze at a rotating disk containing small windows; behind the windows was another disk containing a sequence of images. When the disks were rotated at the correct speed, the synchronization of the windows with the images created an animated effect. Eadweard Muybridge started his photographic gathering of animals in motion. Zoetrope (series of sequential images in a revolving drum) when the drum is revolved the slits in the drum creates the illusion of motion and becomes first movie- similarly film creates this illusion by having one image then black then image then black again. Thaumatrope twirl it and the two images superimpose on each other. Two frame animation . In 1887 Thomas Edison started his research work into motion pictures. He announced his creation of the kinetoscope which projected a 50ft length of film in approximately 13 seconds. Emile Renynaud in 1892 combining his earlier inventions of the praxinoscope with a projector opens the Theatre Optique in the Musee Grevin. It displays an animation of images painted on long strips of celluloid. Louis and Augustine Lumiere issued a patent for a device called cinematography capable of projecting moving pictures. Thomas Armat designed the vitascope which projected the films of Thomas Edison. This machine had a major influence on all sub-sequent projectors. J.Stuart Blackton made the first animated film which he called Humorous phases of Funny faces in 1906. His method was to draw comical faces on a blackboard and film them. He would stop the film, erase one face to draw another, and then film the newly drawn face. The stopmotion provided a starting effect as the facial expressions changed b efore the viewers eyes. Emile Cohl makes En Route the first cut-out animation. This technique saves time by not having to redraw each new cell, only reposition the paper. Winsor McCay produced an animation sequence using his comic strip character Little Nemo. John R Bray applies for a patent on numerous techniques for animation. One of the most revolutionary is the process of printing the backgrounds of the animation. In 1914 Winsor McCay produced a cartoon called Gertie. The trained Dinosaur which amazingly consisted of 10,000 drawings. In 1914 Earl Hurd applies for a patent for the technique of drawing the animated portion of an animation on a clear celluloid sheet and later photographing it with its matching background (Cell animation). Cell and Paper Animation Technique: By the mid-1910s animation production in US already dominated by the techniques of cell and paper. Cell animation was more popularized in America than in Europe because of Assembly line Taylorism that had taken America by storm. Cell Animation was most appropriate to the assembly-line style of manufacturing because it took a whole line of persons working on very specific and simple repetitive duties. On the other hand, in Europe where the assembly-line style of work was not encouraged, clay animation and other forms of animation that required only a few individuals working on the set at a time was more popularized. Because the actual set could only afford a limited amount of individuals working at one time together and no more this style and other alternative forms of animation became more widely accepted. Disney-cell animation draw each image one at a time using onion-skinning technique. Traditional cell animation drawings created one by one animators create the keyframe and assistances create in-betweens; onion skinning process used to make easier the reference drawing of each additional image. The international feature Syndicate realised many titles including Silk Hat Harry, Bringing up Father and Krazy Kat. In 1923 the first feature-length animated film called El Apostol is created in Argentina. 1923 saw the discovery of Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio by Walt and Roy Disney. Walt Disney extended Max Fleischers technique of combining live action with cartoon characters in the film Alices Wonderland. Warner Brothers released The Jazz Singer which introduced combined sound and images. Ken Knowlton working at Bell Laboratories started developing computer techniques for producing animated movies. University of Utah, Ed Catmull develops an animation scripting language and creates an animation of a smooth shaded hand. Ref: E.Catmull,A system for computer generated movies, Proceedings of the ACM National Conference, 1972. Beier and Neely, at SGI and PDI respectively publish an algorithm where line correspondences guide morphing between 2d images.Demo is Michael Jacksons video Bla ck and White.Ref: T.Beier and S.Neely,Feature-Based image metamorphosis. Computer Graphics July 1992. Chen and Williams at the apple publish a paper on view interpolation for 3d walkthoughs.Ref: S.E.Chen and L.Williams,View Interpolation for image Systhensis. Computer Graphics Proceeding, Annual Conference Series1993. Jurassic Park uses CG for realistic living creatures. The stars of this movie directed by Steven Spielberg were the realistic looking and moving 3d-dinosaurs, created by Industrial Light and Magic. With each new step into the next generation of computer graphics comes new and more believable CGI characters such as those found in Dinosaur. In Dinosaur the creation and implementation of realistic digital hair on the lemurs is included. After seeing it, George Lucas, director of the Star War series, concluded the time was there to start working on his new Star Wars movies. In his opinion 3d-animation was now advanced enough to believably create the alien worlds and characters he already wanted to make since the early late seventies. In the year 1995 Toy Story the first full length 3D CG feature film. The first CGI feature-length animation and Pixars first feature film. The primary characters are toys in the room of this six-year-old boy Andy, and is mostly told from their point of view. On entrance of computers and 3d driven software feature length films of high polish can be created virtually in 3d. Toy Story is considered to be a first animated feature ever generated completely on computers. Disney and Pixar partnered up to create this film. Star Wars, almost every shot of this movie is enhancing with 3d-animation. It features very realistic 3d-aliens and environment. Lord of the Rings: Two Towers was the first Photorealistic motion captured character for a film; Gollum was also the first digital actor to win an award (BFCA), category created for Best Digital Acting Performance. MOTION CAPTURE Motion capture, motion tracking, or mocap are terms used to describe the process of recording movement and translating that movement onto a digital model. For medical applications and for validation of computer vision and robotics, and it is used in military, entertainment, sports too. To recording actions of human actors, and using that information to animate digital character models in 2d and 3d computer animation is how it is termed in film making. Performance capture is referred when it includes face, fingers and captures subtle expressions. Movements of one or more actors are sampled many times per second, although with most techniques motion capture records only the movements of the actor, not his/her visual appearance, in motion capture sessions. This animation data is mapped to a 3d model so that the model performs the same actions as the actor. Although there are many different systems for capturing motion capture data, they tend to fall broadly into two different categories: One contains optical systems, which employ photogrammetry to establish the position of an object on 3D space based on its observed location within the 2d fields of a number of cameras. Data is produced by these systems within 3 degrees freedom from each marker, and rotational information must be inferred from the relative orientation of the sensors with respect to a transmitter. Collecting of motion data from an image without using photogrammetry or magnetic equipment is referred to as motion tracking. In The Lord of the Rings in 1978, animated film where the visual appearance of the motion of an actor was filmed, then the film used a guide for the frame by frame motion of a hand-drawn animated character; the technique is comparable to the older technique of rotoscope. The camera movements can also be motion captured so that a virtual camera in the scene will pan, tilt, or dolly around the stage driven by a camera operator, while the actor is performing and the motion capture the camera and props as well as the actors performance. By doing this, it allows the computer generated characters, images and sets, to have the same perspective as the video images and sets, to have the same perspective as the video images from the camera. The actors movements are displayed through the computer process, providing the desired camera positions terms of the objects in the set. Match moving or camera tracking is referred to retroactively obtaining camera movement data from the captured footage. History of Mocap: The mocap technology of the modern day has been developed by the led in the medical science, army, and computer generated imagery (CGI) where it is used for a wide variety of purposes. Mocap had successful attempts long before the computer technology had become available. Early attempts: The invention of zoopraxiscope was because a of a bet of $25,000 on whether all four feet of a horse leave the ground simultaneously or not. Endeared Muybridge (1830-1904) who invented the zoopraxiscope was born in England and became a popular landscape photographer in San Francisco. Muybridge proved the fact that all four feet of a trotting horse simultaneously get off the ground. He did so by capturing a horses movement in a sequence of photographs taken with a set of one dozen cameras trigged by the horses feet. The earlier motion capture devices are considered to be zoopraxiscope. This technology was perfected by Muybridge himself. His books, Animals in motion (1899) and The Human Figures in Motion (1901) are still used by many artists, such as animators, cartoonists, illustrators, painters as valuable references. Muybridge is a pioneer of a mocap and motion pictures. In the same year a physiologist and the inventor of a portable sphygmograph was born in France and his name is Etienne Jules Marey. Sphygmograph is an instrument that records the pulse and blood pressure graphically. Modified versions of his instruments are still used today. Marey met Muybridge in Paris in the year 1882 and is the following year he invented the chronophotographic gun to record animal locomotion but quickly abandoned it, this invention was inspired by Muybridges work. He invented a chronophotographic fixed-plate camera with a timed shutter that allowed him to expose multiple images on a plate in the same year. The camera initially captured images on a glass plate but later he replaced glass plates with film paper, by this way film strips where introduced to the motion picture. Mareys subject wearing his mocap suit shows striking resemblances to skeletal mocap data in the photographs. Research subjects of Marey included cardiology, experimental physiology, instruments in physiology, and locomotion of humans, animals, birds, and insects. Marey used one camera in motion capture comparing to Muybridge who used multiple cameras. After the year in which Muybridge and Marey passed away Harold Edgerton was born in Nebraska. In the early 1920s Edgreton developed his photographic skills as a student while he studied at the University of Nebraska. While working on his masters degree electrical engineering at the Massachusetts in 1926 at the Institute of Technology(MIT), he realized that he couldnt observe the a part of his motor which is rotating as if the motor were turned off by matching the frequency of the strobes flashes to the speed of the motors rotation. Stroboscope was developed to freeze fast moving objects and capture them on film by Edgerton in 1913. Edgreton became a pioneer in high-speed photography. The first successful underwater camera in 1937 was designed by Edgreton and made many trips abroad the research vessel Calypso with French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau. The design and building of deep sea flash electronic equipment in 1954 was done by him. Edgreton passes away in 1990 where his long career as an educator and researcher at MIT. Rotoscoping: Max Fleisher and art editor for Popular Science Montly who was born in Vienna in 1883 who moved to the U.S with his family, he came up with an idea of producing animation by tracing live action film frame by frame. Fleisher filmed David his brother, in the year 1915 in a clown costume and they spent almost a year making their first animation using rotoscope. He obtained a patent for rotoscope in 1917.In the year 1918 when World War I ended he produced the first animation in the Out of the Inkwell series and he also established Out of the Inkwell,Inc.,which was later renamed as Fleischer Studio. In this series the animation and the live action was mixed and Fleischer himself interacted with animation characters, Koko the clown and Fitz the dog. Before Disneys Steamboat Willie, in the year 1924 thats 4 years before he had a synchronised soundtrack. Characters such as Popeye and Superman were all animated characters from Fleischers studio. Betty Boop first appeared in Fleischers animati on and later became a comic strip character. In 30s early animations were filled with sexual humour, ethnic jokes, and gags. When the Hays Production Code (censorship) laws became effective in 1934 it affected Fleischer studio more than other studios. Betty Boop lost her garters and sex appeal as a result. After almost after 4 years of production Walt Disney presented the first feature length animation, Snow White and Seven Dwarfs. Snow White was a huge success. The distributer of Fleischers animation Paramount pressured Max and David Fleischer to produce feature length animations. The two feature films Gullivers Travel (1939) and Mr. Bugs Goes to Town (1941) were produced by the money borrowed from Paramount. Both of the films were a disaster in the box office. The failure of Mr. Bug made Paramount fire the Fleischer brothers and changed the studios name from Famous Studios. Max Fleischer sued Paramount over the distribution of his animations. He signed a Betty Boop merchandising deal for King Features, a unit of the Hearst Corporation before he died in the year 1972. The use of Rotoscoping can be seen in the Disney animations, starting with Snow White. Later Disney animations characters were highly stylized and Rotoscoping became a method for studying human and animal motions. Comparison between film footages and the corresponding scenes in the animations reveals skilful and selective use of Rotoscoping by Disney animators. They went above and beyond Rotoscoping. Snow Whites can be attributed to Walt Disneys detailed attention to the plot, character development and artistry. Both Max Fleischer and Walt Disney were highly innovative individuals; however, it is said true that Disneys memory belongs to the public; Maxs to those who remember him by choice (Herald son, 1975). Beginning of Digital Mocap: In the 1970s the research and development of digital mocap technology started in pursuit of medical and military applications. In 1980s CGI industry discovered the technologys potentials. In the 1980s there were floppy disks that were actually floppy and most computers were equipped with monochrome monitors; some with calligraphic displays. To view color images, for example rendered animation frames, images had to be sent to a frame buffer, which was often shared by multiple users due to its cost. Large computers were housed in ice cold server rooms. Offices were files with the noise of dot matrix printers. In the 1980s ray tracing and radiocity algorithms were published. Based on these algorithms renderers required a supercomputer or workstations to render animations frames in a reasonable amount of time. Personnel computers werent powerful enough. CPUs, memories, storage devices, and applications were more expensive than today. Wavefront technologies developed and marketed the firs t commercial of the shelf 3D computer animation software in 1985. At that time only a handful of animation production companies existed. Most of the animations that they produced were flying logos for TV commercials or TV programmes opening sequences. The pieces were 15 to 30 seconds long. In the 1980s the readers who saw Brilliance probably still remember the astonishment of seeing a computer generated character, a shiny female robot, moving like a real human being. Brilliance being the first successful application of mocap technology in CGI,Total Recall was the first failed attempt to use mocap in a feature film. The post production companies contracted to produce effects for the 1990 science fiction film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone, Metrolight Studio being one of them. Metrolight decided to use mocap to create an animation sequence of moving skeletons for the scene in which Schwarzeneggers character goes through a large airport security X-ray machine, along with other people and a dog. Operator from an optical mocap equipment company was sent out to a location with mocap system. A team from metrolight followed the operators instruction while capturing performances by Schwarzenegger and other performers. They went home believing that the capture session had gone well and the mocap company would deliver the mocap data after cleaning and processing. What so ever metrolight never received usable data and had to give up using mo cap for the scene. Metrolights unfortunate experience teaches us one lesson that we should hire only a service provider with a good track record and references. In 1995 FX Fighters released its first real-time fighting with 3D characters in 3D environments. Its also one of the first video games that used mocap technology to give realism to 3D characters movements. By the user input using a set of motion captured actions, game characters are animated in real time. The pieces of actions are played in such a way that the player does not notice the transition from one action to another giving an impression that the player is fully in control of a game characters movement. Seeing the success of the game, other game companies were encouraged to use mocap in their games. In the 1980s and 1990s these pioneering efforts have shown remarkable development and achievement in digital mocap. In the recent years, in addition to medicine, and entertainment, mocap applications have been found in many other fields. Mocap is used by various sports to analyze and enhance the athletes performances and prevent injuries. Designers use mocap to understand users movements, constrains, and interactions with environments and to design better products. Mocap is used by engineers to analyze human movements and design robots that walk like us. Mocap is also used by art historians and educators to archive and study performances by dancers and actors. For instance, in 1991 an intricate performance by legendary French mime Marcel Marceau (1923-2007) was captured at the Ohio State University to preserve his arts for future generations. 3D ANIMATION PRODUCTION PIPELINE Sales pitch Convincing the big jobs to work on the story. Story plot solid summary What the films about, what happens in it and extra variations that may or may not appear in the final product. Storyboards Basic sketches of the scenes. (Time usually taken = 6 months) Voice recording At first the artists themselves do the voice acting to put a connection from the story board to the script to give an idea of the film, later on celebrities are paid to be the character voices. Storyboard reel Pictures in a timescale with voice recordings playing in conjunction, basically a really basic film. Concept art Artists try to create the look and feel of the scenery and the characters from the scripts, voice talent and the basic drawings, the artists get first crack at how lighting sets the mood too Modelling The characters, props and landscape have started to be created in 3d; hinges have been added to them to give them movement. Everything is still in frame form, no textures have been added yet (think skeletons). Dressing The models and props are skinned according to the mood and feel the team wants for the film to portray. Shot layout The Basically skinned objects and characters are set into positions to work out camera angles and movement, nothing is truly animated or skinned yet, the recordings of these final cuts are passed onto the animation team. (Time Usually taken = 4 weeks) Animation The models are animated, everything such as the skeleton is already there so they are basically choreographers (think puppeteers). They move the mouth and ligaments according to the sounds and the scripts. (Time usually taken 4 weeks) Shading shading changes surfaces according to the lighting on it, it affects the models colour depending on the lighting situation e.g. light bouncing off a shiny metal surface is successfully done thanks to a shader. Shaders are added to the landscapes, models and props. Lighting Lighting is added to the scenes, Lighting is what actually makes everything look great. Lighting is based on the mood scripts. (Time usually taken = 8 weeks) Rendering The final product is rendered; this can take a hell of a lot of time to render one frame depending on the quality of the graphics put into. Touch-ups Things such as music scores, special effects and sound effects are added, the film is also recorded to an appropriate format. MOTION CAPTURE PRODUCTION PIPELINE Pre-Production Storyboard development Shot analysis It is important to work out exactly what action is needed at this stage, plus any restrictions which may impede the actor. There are several factors which need to be addressed: Does the actors size correspond to that of the character. Should the actor have any props, or costume (for example having the actor where horns for your demon character in your mocap session, will prevent the arms going through the horns at the implementing stage) The spatial surrounding should be a factor. Will the motion need to be blended (e.g. A running motion, as the motion capture studio will only capture a fragment of the run). Character Rigging Develop a character rig, which involves the following: Matching the actors size as much as possible. Constraining the joints. Problems may include exporting out of your animation package into the correct format (e.g. .xsi into fbx) Several different export formats should be tested to realize which suites best with the character rig (e.g. .bvh, .fbx, etc). Actual Motion Captured This can be viewed on a rig in real time. There are several different forms of Motion Capture devices. The most commonly used are: Mechanical, Optical, and Electromagnetic (magnetic) Cleaning Data This involves several data manipulators being applied to the motion capture data. In optical motion capture systems, for example, after you capture the movements of your actors, the data is stored as raw 2D data. Reconstruction process will convert it into continuous 3D trajectories. Label process will label all the trajectories and so on. Additional processing may be needed when there are data gaps, jitters and other data-noises. Implementing data This is simply the process of applying your data to your skeleton rig provided at the initial stages. There can be several problems at this stage depending on the formats and animation package chosen. For example there is an issue with UVs, materials, scaling etc. It is suggested you follow each package pipeline to minimize these issues. APPLICATIONS OF MOTION CAPTURE The process of recording movement and translating that movement onto a digital model is called as motion capture, motion tracking or mocap. Its applications are used in the military, entertainment, sports, medical applications and for validation of computer vision and robotics etc. Games The largest market for motion capture is game development. Games are drawing as much revenue as movies; it is easy to see why game development often calls for enormous quantities of motion capture. There are basically two types of 3d character animation used in games: real time playback vs. Cinmeatics. Real-time allows the game player to choose from pre-created moves, by controlling the characters moves in real-time. Cinmeatics are the fully rendered movies used for the intros and cut-scenes. Often the last part of game production, or a process that is sub-contracted to a separate studio,cinematics are generally not essential to game-play, but do add a lot of appeal to the game, and help immensely with story development and mood generation. Video and TV Performance animation In live television broadcasts real-time motion is becoming popular. Using motion capture we can place a virtual character within a real scene, or to place live actors within a virtual scene with virtual actors, or virtual characters with a virtual scene. For real time broadcasting mocap requires mocap-up of any non-standard physiology to keep the performers motion from causing the characters limbs to interpenetrate its body. Joints limits on the shoulders and knees also help maintain believability of the character. A real-time adaptation feature such as motion builders real-time motion mapping is essential when the character body is very different from the actors body. While combining live elements with virtual elements the real and virtual cameras must share the same properties otherwise the illusion looks strange. Daily features Producing daily 3d animated features becomes easy with use of the phasespace optical motion capture system combined with motionbuilder.,allowing TV stations to keep their content fresh and exiciting,and giving viewers yet another reason not to touch that dial. Post-Production for ongoing series using motion capture for ongoing series is gaining popularity. The result of creating a weekly show without motion capture invariably causes shows to be late or production studios to go bankrupt. Having an efficient motion capture pipeline is essential to the success of an ongoing character animation based series. Film The use of motion capture in the films is increasing day by day. For creating character based animation motion capture is essential that move realistically, in situations that would be impractical or too dangerous for real Titanic were characters falling down off the ship. Motion capture was used extensively in Titanic for filler characters. Many of these shots would have been difficult or impossible to do with real cameras and a real ship, or real models, so virtual models, actors, and cameras were used. Some film characters require the use of motion capture, otherwise their animation seems fake. More and more independent companies are starting to put together desktop studios-the idea of two or three people creating an entire movie are not far off, if motion capture is used correctly. Motion capture animation can be done very quickly and inexpensively, without scheduling expensive motion capture sessions in a studio. Web Motion capture is ideal for the web, whether used to create virtual hosts or greeting cards. Motion capture brings a human element to the web as the web becomes more sophisticated and bandwidth increases, in the form of characters that viewers can relate to interact with. Live events Motion capture generated performance animation can be thought of as Improvisation meets Computer Graphics (CG). A good improviser acting through a CG character in real-time can create a very intriguing lass sting experience for the viewer at trade shows, meetings or press conferences. Integrating with live actors father helps create a fascinating experience. Scientific research While doing perceptual research motion capture is useful. By presenting test subjects with abstract movements, distilled from motion capture data, repeatable experiments can be developed that provide insights into human perception. Biomechanical analysis Motion capture is relied by biomechanical analysis for rehabilitation purposes. Motion capture can be used to measure the extent of a clients disability as well as a clients progress with rehabilitation. Motion capture can also help in effective design of prosthetic devices. Engineering For producing ergonomically practical product designs motion capture is essential, as well as designs for physical products that are comfortable and appealing. When it comes to working in an enclosed space, the gypsy has tremendous advantages over optical or magnetic systems, such as a car inter

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Language Is A Virus :: essays research papers

Language Is A Virus A written work, whether it is a story, a poem or a song, can be as vague and indeterminable as a painting and given to many different interpretations. It gives an opportunity for the reader to use his imagination and his emotions in absorbing the writing and comprehending its meaning. The interpretation of written work varies with circumstances, such as different cultures, religions, historical times or just personal feelings. Folk tales and legends are stories that have been passed throughout generations and are being told in many parts of the world in different languages. These stories, originally written as local tales, pass the boundaries of their localities and become absorbed into the folklore of other religions and countries through publication in other languages. In many cases they are being altered to suit the tastes, customs and modes of behavior of the population to which the readers belong. In other instances the written works are absorbed in different localities, in their original forms, but even then their meaning varies in accordance with the cultural, religious and economical conditions of the country as a whole and of the reader as an individual. Obviously, a written work is a product of the period in which it is written. Unless it is a historical tale, the subjects, characters and events described, would be of a temporary nature or have a temporary outlook and appeal. Many writings are of a controversial nature and as such they appeal to some but can meet with a violent disapproval by others. Salman Rashdie has been lucky to survive the violent anger of the Muslim world. But at the same time he became popular with many segments of the population, not necessarily due to the greatness of his writing, but primarily because of the controversial subject he touches upon, the fact that he criticizes his own and that his criticism appeals to a non Muslim reader. Language is like a